Thinking about rehoming or surrendering your dog?
First, please review the resources below that may help keep your furry family member in their loving home.
Have you made the hard decision to rehome your dog but can continue to care for them till a new family is found? Then please look into the rehoming assistance program options below.
Unable to care for your dog and must surrender? We often do not have foster homes available to accommodate the vast number of surrender requests we receive each day. Please use the search tool at the bottom to search for a no-kill shelter near you.
Rehoming Assistance Programs
Have you made the difficult decision to rehome your dog but can continue to care for them till a new family is found? METTA Rescue Family is currently not accepting owner surrendered dogs nor any new Friends of Metta dogs. Below are two great rehoming assistance program options.

Happy Trails Animal Rescue's
Re-homing Program
Available to pet owners (in Osceola, Orange, or Seminole county FL) who are able to keep their pets in their own home until they find new home. They help to network the animals, screen new adopters to ensure safe placement, and help facilitate meetings and transitions with their new homes.

Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet
Rehoming your pet should be easy and stress free both for you and your pet. The experts at Adopt-a-Pet.com have created a simple, reliable program to help you place your pet from your loving home directly to another.
If you must surrender your dog,
look for a closed-admission shelter
As a final option, a closed-admission shelter (often referred to as "no-kill" shelters) would be a safer option than a county open-admission shelter. Open-admission shelters aren't able to turn animals away, causing them to possibly have to euthanize animals for space. Closed-admission shelters can turn animals away when they don't have space available, usually require an appointment, and don't have to euthanize due to space. However, they may euthanize for certain medical issues and if an animal shows aggression towards people or other dogs. Keep in mind, even if your dog has never shown any signs of aggression previously, you never really know how animals may respond to being in a stressful environment. We recommend you contanct the no-kill shelters near you to find out more about their specific protocols.
Best Friends Network
About 800,000 homeless dogs and cats are killed each year in America's shelters. That means around 2,200 animals are killed every single day. They are being killed because they don't have a safe place to call home. Those dedicated to no-kill want to end the killing of animals in shelters. To be considered no-kill, 90% of the animals the shelter takes in cannot be euthanized for reasons other than major medical or behavior.
The Best Friends Network is made up of over 2,600 no-kill shelters, rescue groups (including METTA Rescue Family), spay/neuter organizations, and other animal welfare groups across all 50 states. Every partner in the network has one common goasl: to save the lives of homeless pets.